Daredevil has returned! This show used to be one of a few Marvel TV shows on Netflix. It was not renewed by Netflix when Disney ended its partnership with its Marvel properties because it wanted to bring all Marvel in-house with the beginning of the Disney+ streaming service. With that, the most popular of the shows, Daredevil, was revisited, renewed, and brought into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, and The Defenders were wiped off the slate and never given a second though sadly). Daredevil is easily the least campy, most serious, and the hero with the hardest edge and I am sure that is why it attracted so many fans to the show. Also, Daredevil was the biggest Marvel comic of those previously mentioned so it also has the biggest built-in fanbase going back decades. With that stated, it is back and a great watch overall to kick off Marvel TV and movies for 2025.
February 16, 2025Just started watching this show, Yellowjackets, that kind of plays out like Lord of the Flies meets Lost meets Survivor. The show is about a few women, in 2021, that survived a plane crash when they were in high school. The high school soccer team had their plane go down over the mountains in the 90s and they have to figure out how to survive. The show is as much in the present as it is in the past, with the past being more like flashbacks. It's dramatic, well acted, and has a serious tone with mystery sprinkled in for effect. Right now, it doesn't seem there is any mystical or supernatural element to it the way Lost had.
February 11, 2025A new Disney Star Wars show that details 4 kids that find a derelict ship buried in a mountain side, get trapped in it then get whisked away as it reactivates and tries to fly back to its intended destination. In between, a pirate runs across the kids, partners with them under sketchy terms, and tries to find lost treasure with the ship. While this sounds like a really flimsy plot, it is. The show was meant for kids and no one that's never seen any good Star Wars show or movie. The FX are really good though but it really isn't that good but it'll pass the time if you got nothing better to watch. Typical Disney cheesy ass story that won't keep your attention until some effects happen on screen.
February 7, 2025The new season of the animated series Invincible is back! I've described this before but this also is another comic book turned animated series about a nigh invincible teenager who has alien DNA and becomes a superhero like his father, however, things go sideways (won't spoil anything) and he has to learn to keep his secret identity, live his teenage life, be a superhero, work for the government in battling super villains...oh it's thick with life and adult themes. It's both funny, serious, and ultra violent.
February 2, 2025So Marvel Animation has come up with a new animated series about Spider-Man that is drawn and animated like the old 60s style comic books. While there are no thought and speech bubbles, the artwork feels just like that but modernized for today's era. Also, great soundtrack for an animated series so I do highly recommend if you wish to nerd out on what could become a classic for this generation.
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